Sexy Belching

Speaking of arbitrary days – this week communities in Japan celebrated “Coming of Age Day,” the day when all young people turning 20 this year officially “come of age.” This is another example of the Japanese mass mentality at work. The individual’s actual day of birth is less prominent for in the eyes of the community all celebrate together. These young people who went to school together, played sports together, struggled through exams together are becoming adults together. This next block of people will take their places supporting the greater community all together. They are locked together forever simply by the chance year of their birth, even if they don’t like each other.

I know it sounds like I am bagging on the Japanese – maybe I am. I have lived here long enough that the gloss has worn off. Last year I only saw the ranks of young women, glorious in their winter kimono (there is no plural of kimono), the proud parents and community, the solemnity of the occasion, the assumption of responsibility, the weight of history behind it all. Now, I see the societal weakness behind it.

As I see it, there are three phases of living in a foreign country (kind of like the phases of grief). The first phase is wonder, where everything is new and different and totally marvelous. The second phase is discontent, where the gloss has worn off and everything is viewed with a critical eye (I am currently in this phase). The final phase is acceptance (where I will be next year).

Last night I was informed that even my burps are sexy 🙂

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January 17, 2004

Sounds more like the phases of marriage to me. *smile*

January 17, 2004

LOL! I agree with Wayward Heart. Actually, that sounds very Japanese. The individual isn’t important, it’s the group that is revered. One’s worth is in how they fit and contribute to the whole, not as how they shine as individuals. Tom-

January 20, 2004

RYC – – we didn’t get time to watch the movie yet, I’ll tell you (thank you) when we have! 🙂 Happy and best hugs to you *love

January 21, 2004

…well then, sexy burbs huh. Inter-resting…very inter-resting. Laters…

January 21, 2004

Yes…my trip was good…the time “not thinking” was even better. Making love…priceless…! I will have a new case worker…and that is a good thing for me. Your right, I wasn’t to thrilled with the one that I had. She turned out to be a bit of a bitch…