
Since my beloved has returned, I haven’t been able to write. Naturally, the schedule we kept and the order of things in our home had to change. Time I used to have to myself, I now share, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I refuse to spend excessive time on the computer and ignore my husband – he did not travel halfway around the world to look at the back of my head. Still, I’d like to find a few minutes to steal every day for my diary; we just have to find a good time in the day. 🙂

It stopped raining!

I went for a run this afternoon. I had to – the Liberty 5 K is 2 days away, and I didn’t want to run cold. My loved one signed up to run it, too 🙂

I run on the rubberized track at the high school because my knees are bad. Quite a few folks were out running and walking; a few who were walking were there quite obviously to lose weight. I wondered, at what point does one’s attitude about exercise change? When does it go from “I am walking for 30 minutes to lose some weight” to “ It’s 90 degrees out; I just finished my fourth mile; my knee hurts; this really sucks, but I must do it?” For me it’s a no-brainer – I have to stay in shape or lose my job. That’s what keeps me going. But, what about other people? One woman, bless her, I see her out there often; she has the gumption to get on the track, but for all of her walking she’s going nowhere. I want to jog up behind her and yell, “MOVE!” I know if she would just pick up the pace, even if it’s only half a lap every day, it would change her workout altogether. What keeps her from moving?

Work out at least 30 minutes 3 times a week for a healthier, happier heart.

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Thank God my job doesn’t depend on my being in shape! I know I need to work out but it’s impossible to find the time any more. I feel it too, which is sad, but I feel trapped. I know you’re happy to have your husband back home, I hope he gets to stay for a while:^) Have a great day, and write when you get the chance. Tom-

I need to find some kind of routine for walking the dog… I’m just plain too lazy… 🙂

ooh health… i think i rmr that word from some text book in junior school…. my diet, i have reason to believe, is undeniably excellent. i get daily doses of nicotine, alcohol and sugar to provide a marvellous balance of vitamins.take, lexi.