Moonlight Cliche

There is a gorgeous, bright full moon out tonight, with Rabbit readily apparent in its face. Its crisp, white light illuminates the room more completely than the glare from the computer screen. It watches me shyly through the branches of my beloved persimmon tree. The moon captures our attention and our imaginations, representing huge hopes and dreams, far off yet ultimately attainable. How many romantic dramas of separated loved ones include the cliché of two people looking up at the same moon at the same time (the same stars, nebulae, pulsars or some such for science fiction fans), no matter the distance that separates them? Hundreds, probably; it’s not a new concept. Nonetheless, as he is on the opposite side of the globe, I cannot help but wonder if later, when the sun is burning brightly through my eyelids and the crows begin their incessant noise, the same cool moon will peer down at him from a clear night sky. I’d like to think that this will be so; the moon can be a continuity between us. Why not the sun? There is only one, and we both see it as well. I think perhaps the sun is too large, too all encompassing, too far away. The sun shines on everyone all day, and you cannot pretend even for a moment that it is yours alone. The moon is close, intimate, a denizen of the darkness, when we can allow ourselves the time to feel the ache of loneliness and the thrill of hope.

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April 16, 2003

Beautiful writing! The sun is overwhelming in its power, consuming all that venture too near. The moon is comforting, only hinting of its presence and making its power known in subtle ways; turning tides. The moon is shy, only gracing us for a few days at a time before shrinking away, returning later to light our dark pathways. Tom-

April 16, 2003

That was lovely.

Makes me think of Sandra Bullock looking up at the moon in “practical magic” 🙂

ryn- peeps are those marshmellow things with the sugary stuff on the outside right? 😛 yucky, they are gross! I would so pay $50 to not have to do this! my prob too is the kids all want me to pay into theirs so thats 4 contributions…I limit $5 each and hope the grandparents help out too.

April 23, 2003

RYN: I’m sure it was a great idea, isn’t it odd how the best ideas seem to hit when we should be relaxing? Thanks for the note. Tom-

Ah, but swear not by the everchanging moon for it bears a false light. (Okay, an amalgamation of Shakespeare may not be better than none at all). It’s great that you two can share a special bond, even so far away…