madelines anyone?





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I had a Proustian moment this morning (yes, I said it – Proustian.) I lay snuggled in the warm bed with words weaving through my thoughts until two poems sprang, fully formed like Athena, right out of my skull. I was delayed in writing them down, though, by a cat sleeping comfortably on me, undisturbed by my creative process.

I don’t really know how this cat in the bed thing came about. For fourteen years he was never allowed in the bed.  I suffered from a debilitating condition all summer and spent a lot of time in bed. He would sleep on the rug next to the bed until we had a house guest with a dog, who scared him. So, I allowed him to sleep on the foot of the bed. After the dog left, he didn’t sleep on the bed all every night anymore, but he’s decided it is ok to come up there if he feels like it. He stays at the foot of the bed until he hears the alarm or I start to stir, then he climbs up and goes sleep on me.

I had to go to the VA today. I go every Tuesday to check in with my doctor and get physical therapy. That is going to end soon, though, so I am glad for that. It was a beautiful day in the valley, so I didn’t mind the drive up into the city. I enjoy seeing all of the animals in the fields. The warmer than usual temperatures has thoroughly confused the prairie dogs, though. I think they’re cute and don’t mind getting to see them in the dead of winter, but it actually does not bode well for them. The dumb ones, who didn’t prepare for the winter, are not going to die off over the winter. They’re all going to be out in force the spring, fornicating and spreading their dumb DNA even further in the prairie dog population. An excess of prairie dogs stresses the food supply and forces them to relocate. The dumb ones end up splattered all over the roads.

I was at place that sells rocks this afternoon. I want a source of old bricks because I want to build a flower box and a fireplace in my backyard. I might have to drive a couple hours, but they might be able to hook me up. What was interesting, though, was their massive cat. I thought it was a pot bellied pig when I first saw it lumbering around. It was friendly enough, and when I pet it – it was solid. The guy didn’t know what breed it is, but it is some freak of nature (or, more likely, closer to nature than our domestic house cats.)

Margaret Culkin Banning said, "Regrets are as personal as fingerprints." An astute woman, I think.

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January 10, 2012

I don’t really believe in regrets. The past no longer exists, we can’t change what was done nor what happened. What do prairie dogs eat? Your Darwinian observations on the prairie dog population reminded me of the groundhog village in the median of I-85 a little south of Spartanburg, SC. I rarely pass there without seeing at least one unfortunate member of the community who didn’t makeit across the road. Not very wise, to build the community in the median of a busy highway! RYN: I’m actually a certified armorer for the M240B. It was the first weapon I worked with when I started this job. I had no idea you were on assignment for all of 2010, I thought you were retired by then. Thank you for your service.

January 10, 2012

I suspected that was the case. They made the decision to increase the number of troops and it was much less expensive to compel recent retirees to do another tour than to recruit and train new troops. Doesn’t make it fair, only politically expedient. I hope the physical condition you mentioned wasn’t the result of that one last hurrah.

January 10, 2012

Thank you for your note. I am intrigued to know how your conversation in the coffee shop about underwear began. I share your views on the subject however. I’ve bookmarked you. I hope that’s OK. I particularly liked your entry “XXX-rated”.

January 11, 2012

Yes, please. And, did you still remember to write them down? Mustn’t neglect the ephemeral involuntary thoughts of dawn dreaming. (Even for the sake of a slumbering feline.) ryn: Thank you for your note. (I always favour forwardness.) I am a bit wary to get fitted at VS, though, only to thank them for their services and immediately walk out. They don’t carry nursing bras, you see. All the best.