Fathers’ Day Part II

Happy Fathers’ Day to all of the fathers out there. 🙂

My husband is a fabulous father. My daughter absolutely adores him. It is so funny to see the two of them together, giggling in church, cooking up some scheme or other. She is so much like him. She has picked up his love of life, his spontaneity, his sense of humor, his creative talent. My loved one has instilled in our daughter a lifelong love of books and music. He has given her a desire to learn about things and appreciate the world. When our daughter was a baby, my husband would let me sleep in on Saturday mornings. I would wake up and find the two of them side by side on the couch – he in nothing but cutoffs and she in her little pink diaper – eating cold pizza and drinking Lipton Iced Tea from the can while they watched cartoons. I even have a photo of them like that. Whenever we would go out, we rarely used a stroller; he preferred to have her in his arms. I remember going to the beach when she was little, she wanted no part of those waves unless her daddy was holding her. Sometimes, I would stand at the door and listen while he read bedtime stories; she always preferred his reading – he did much better sound effects and voices. My husband is a Girl Scout; he proudly became a member and enthusiastically went on all of the trips. He often joked that he planned to get the trefoil tattooed on his arm. We have a million photos of our daughter. My husband thinks she is beautiful (so do I) and poses her all over the place – whole rolls of her in the cemetery, or the car, or the living room. He taught her how to make pancakes. With him food is always an adventure, and now my daughter isn’t afraid to try any new food and can comport herself in any establishment. Once we went to a fine restaurant in DC. My husband and I ordered and the waiter turned to walk away. My daughter cleared her throat and proceeded to order the lamb; my husband was thrilled. Another time she told him that we were in a nice restaurant and he should keep his elbows off the table. When she was a cheerleader, he was the consummate cheer dad. The two of them learned to ski together (I already knew how) and I marveled to see them fearlessly shooting down the mountainsides together. Last year he taught her how to snowboard (he taught me, too, but that’s another story). The two of them are roller coaster junkies. Now, my daughter is learning to play guitar on her father’s guitar. She can’t wait until he gets home to show him what she knows and have him teach her more. They are an unbeatable team. There is no one that I’d rather have as the father of my child.

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June 15, 2003

Wonderful Father’s Day entries!

June 15, 2003

RYN: i really didn’t do anything to get her to ring the bells. They’re hanging on the door (it’s a set of Christmas sleigh bells), and they ring whenever we open the door. The first time, she probably just rang them by accident…so i took her out. She’s only rung them a couple of times (and only when i’m actually IN the room with her), so it’s not a perfect system (or ANY kind of “system”, yet)

Sounds like you have two awesome men in your life. Congrats!

June 15, 2003

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