
White flakes falling softly, gently into inky blackness. No, not snow – my beloved’s sunburned back is peeling all over my slipcovers. It was a really bad burn. He seemed to have a good time on his business trip though, finding the time to go surfing a couple of times and shopping for new snowboard bindings. His suitcase was weighted down with books, including two of the new quality paper reissues of Ian Fleming. But, the real surprise was a string of pearls – not big, dowdy Barbara Bush pearls. Take note of this, fellows. I had always wanted pearls, and he remembered. It’s nice having him home, snuggling after the alarm clock goes off, conversation over a pot of tea.

I want to make pancakes now, so more later…

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I envy you

awwwwwww…..(sorry about his sunburn. Ouch)

Hope his sunburn doesn’t hurt too much 🙂

If you have one pancake, and you flip it, you have the exact same pancake. Did you know that?

Nice sensory details. Wanna get graded by Bundy your pseudo-Literature teacher?

September 25, 2003

Heard there was an earth quake up there yesterday…! Of course your not in that area but still…WAY COOL. I have been in San Diego since 1994 and have only felt ONE earth quake. Anyway, take care and don’t work to hard. Laters…

September 25, 2003

sorry to hear that.

September 30, 2003

It’s been a while, I hope all is well. Tom-

where oh where did Merry get to? hope all is well! *SaFFRoN*

October 16, 2003

We miss you, I hope you’re not gone for good. Tom-