Bob, Bob, Bobbin’ Along

Bowing is a constant, all day, aerobic activity here. It has become so ingrained, so second nature, I highly suspect that it will take several years to get out of the habit when I finally leave here. My neck and back are going to be so strong! Bowing is the Aloha of physical pleasantries – you bow at hello, at goodbye, at thank you, for your welcome, at inexplicable, random times during exchanges, which I haven’t figured out yet but just about anything can set it off. When someone bows, you’re almost obligated to bow back. Bowing erases mistakes – if you want to walk right out into moving traffic, just stick your hand up and bow your head as you step off the curb. If you commit a traffic gaff, just nod your head a couple of times in the direction of the wronged motorist; most likely, he is then too occupied returning your head bob to get really angry. One thing though, Gaijin are judged by the sincerity of their bows – no casual, off center, rushed head bobs allowed. If you’re bowing, make every one count! 🙂

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I find bowing to be something done subconsciously whenever I meet with suppliers from the far East. Perhaps it’s my own shyness, I tend not to make eye contact with the zeal of most Westerners anyway, but I find it most natural to bow politely from the shoulders whenever I meet and exchange pleasantries with them. Tom-

Now i’ve got the song stuck in my head, and am visualizing flocks of birds bowing to one another!

I have book that has a bit about body gestures, like bowing. I like the submissive, I’m not better than you idea of it. I bought some of the lipton tea, the store is reducing to clear at $3.74/box, guess it wasn’t popular enough here. I like it and at that price I think I’ll go back and stock up, it’s very like my irish breakfast tea!

RYN: How sad that Stan had heartworm! We gave Barsky heartworm preventitive religiously. i was surprised they start so young now. Also, it used to be only necessary to give it from April-Nov, but now, it’s year-round. i was really surprised they do rabies shots at 12 weeks now.