blue streaks

My daughter has wanted blue hair for quite some time. I don’t mind hair color. I, myself, have been known to dye my hair burgundy or plum from time to time. It is a way for kids to safely “rebel” without destroying brain cells, scarring or poking extra holes in their bodies. So, I am all for the blue hair.

When I went on my trip I picked up a kit, but it didn’t work on my daughter’s brown hair. So, we decided we needed professional help. A few Sundays ago we went to Ebina after church. After a lot of broken Japanese and a lot of broken English we arranged to have streaks of my daughter’s hair bleached and dyed blue. I was loath to bleach her entire head. The beautician explained that they would do the best they could, but the formula was set for Asian hair – they had never dyed Caucasian hair. After about 4 hours there, she had blue streaks. It looked pretty cool. In a few days the streaks were green. Now the color has leached away and only the bleached streaks remain. My daughter is disappointed, but I kind of like the blond streaks.

The beauticians gave me a 30% off coupon, so I could come back and have my own hair colored. Apparently, they thought all of my grey looked pretty bad; Japanese women do not grey this early in life 🙂

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Chey wants blue streaks too but her hair is dark brown and she is only 8 years old. what we found is colored hair ‘glue’ in the salon and it just washes out but the color is really bold, no fading. and it comes in red, green, yellow, metallic colors, black, white. I had it put in my hair one time I had my hair cut, red streaks and it was really fun, straight red parts in my curly hair 🙂

May 21, 2003

When i was a teenager, my idea of “rebellion” was to paint each of my fingernails a different color, and if i was feeling REALLY rebelious, i’d add glitter!! LOL Guess blue hair is pretty mild. RYN: shrimp burgers sound delish….got a recipe??

My daughter wanted blue hair too! I compromised and said she could do a few streaks, but we havent gotten around to doing it, and I’m paranoid I’ll mess it up!

May 21, 2003

I have become much more open-minded about hair color when considering the other options for rebellion, as you say:^) RYN: Our pandas are named Le-Le and Ya-Ya. Were the pair in the National Zoo named Hsing-Hsing and Ling-Ling, or was that the pair from San Diego? Gosh, that was almost 30 years ago, they probably haven’t survived. Thanks for your notes. Tom-

May 22, 2003

My sister (lives in Indiana) just turned 18 in December, and she called last night to inform me that she bought a pack of cigarettes. My first reaction was “and you’re telling me this… why???”, and then I figured well, I did the same thing at her age, I can’t say anything. Thanks for the note, I do realize that the tarot readers aren’t the most exciting thing about New Orleans,

May 22, 2003

but they definitely add a bit of color to the French Quarter.