blossom report and chocolate fortune

Cherry blossoms are so perishable. It seems like only a few get open before the wind and rain strip them off the trees. You can never see all of them open at the same time because the trees can’t seem to hold on to them longe enough. It is considered an art here to predict the exact moment when you can see the most blossoms at one time. TV shows have cherry blossom reports and analysts.

I was worried about my cherry tree. It is the biggest and oldest in Sagami Hara City, Minami Dai neighborhood. Last summer work on the water pipes brought digging very close to the tree – they had to have hit some of its roots. I was afraid it had been stunned or even killed. All of the other trees are about finished with their blossoms, and mine hadn’t even budded. But this morning I looked out the window into the drizzly, grey day and Lo, and Behold, tiny glowing palest pink miracles have just started showing their faces on my big, old tree.

Can anyone tell me why OD has started ignoring my hard returns? I write in paragraphs, but when I post, they all get scrunched together into one huge mass.

Yesterday’s chocolate fortune was “Life is beautiful.” I hope you have a great day 🙂

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April 7, 2004

OD’s been doing that to me for quite awhile. i don’t use IE, so i can’t use OD’s editor…guess it doesn’t like netscape. i have to code in the paragraphs myself. It’s a pain. i noticed leaf buds on the lilac bushes today…perhaps we’ll get spring after all…eventually

April 7, 2004

RYN: I think the National Zoo has another pair of Pandas now, I just happened to see a photo in the USA Today after reading your note. It’s great to have you back writing, I missed you. Tom-

I can’t imagine blossom reports, lOl I haven’t had any problems here with hard returns. Mine come up double spaced even… hope it gets resolved.. 🙂

April 9, 2004

.. there is some adjustment you can make in your diary maintenance … although when it happened to me it was when FOD became OD, not just a random happening. I can’t remember specifically what the property you need to change is, though. I love spring with all the trees covered in blossoms.

April 9, 2004

RYN: sorry, no guacamole for me. I can’t stand avocados. They’re greasy tasting, nasty, snot-colored things. *smile* So far, H’s retirement is mostly tolerable. We’ve had our rough moments, but overall, we’re putting up with each other pretty well.

April 10, 2004

Right now my yard looks glorious with the cherry, plum and ornamental peach trees all in bloom – and the air smells lovely, too! Have a Happy Easter. : )