
Yes. We succeeded in catching the heinous virus, worm thing – not just our home computer, either. Somehow, someway our totally closed, tighter than Fort Knox, company intranet has been paralyzed by the infamous Blaster virus. Yes, some idiot who thinks he knows better than the systems experts who wrote the “no outside material in the intranet” rule, brought in some stupid corrupted joke file, probably about sex or former President Bill Clinton or both, which he found on the internet to share with all his coworkers and infested the entire network, bringing other employees’ (especially MINE) legitimate work to a screeching halt. We are totally dead in the water until the mail server is cleansed. On the home front, it took several hours for my most beloved to vanquish the viral foe, as the computer kept shutting off every 5 minutes. It makes me SO ANGRY. What is wrong with those people? I don’t care what statement these virus authors want to make to Bill Gates – everyday people work hard to earn money to buy their computers. Some people’s livelihood depends on their computers. These people aren’t hurting Bill Gates, just thousands of normal people trying to use the internet to better their lives or look at porn. If they want to send a message, then they should buy a billboard or a commercial spot or take to the streets in the name of operating systems or something.

In other news, to totally brighten my week my loved one has composed another song for me – “Who’s that woman that I love so much.” It’s kinda catchy. 🙂

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Sorry to hear that your work is without computers…! And I really hope the person that brought the file, or whatever that was bad into your office is found. They won’t give themselves up and that is a sad fact…but I hope he is found and “fried…!” But take care, and good fight in the home front to get rid of nasty bug…! Laters… Rick

I guess I have been lucky and managed to avoid the virus (fingers crossed). Pity the idiots who come up these viruse don’t put their minds to better things.

ah i know, i know…. i’m still a starry-eyed romantic youth. but i suppose at the moment, falling in love is all i’m capable of doing… i’m not mature enough for anything else… thanks for your notes by the way… it’s always sound,subtle advice. have a good lexi.

Amen! You’re right about the virus propagators…they’re not hurting Bill Gates in the least. For once, i’m actually GLAD my computer is out-of-date (still running WIN’98). How sweet that your honey writes you songs! (mine at least takes out the garbage….)

RYN: thank you. And i’m sorry about Stan. i know you still miss him.

Your welcome… and I have no idea if anything will be done to them if it is found out that the money is being wasted on things other than my kids. And I am sure that what I am sending to them is being spent on things other than my kid. I just know that woman…I know her far to well. 600 dollars in here hand isn’t a good thing…! Bitch that she is…! Laters… Rick

I also have been very glad my computer is outdated… thanks for your note! 🙂