Bitter Sweet

Phone calls are always bitter sweet.

There is never enough time to say all you want to say; however, you can never think of everything while you are on the phone. So, there are these breaks of silence – even the silences are wonderful though because you know that for those moments that person is 100% focused on you. Then, when you hang up, everything you wanted to say comes to you in a rush of regret. Did I say, “I love you,” often enough so he knows it for sure? Does he understand how much I miss him? Was I upbeat enough so he doesn’t worry about stuff here? Was I too upbeat so he thinks we don’t miss him? What if something happens and that was our last call?

On the other hand, there is this joy, this happiness, this excitement that you can feel to your toes. He cares enough to take time to call. He said he loves me, and he misses me so much! He cannot wait to see me again. I want to dance. I want to sing (but, my daughter says definitely no singing – no one wants to hear me sing). He sounded good; he sounded happy. It makes me happy.

It is enough so I can make it until the next call.

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I really liked this . . .

March 7, 2003

RYN: I love Borders, but sadly there are none near me. I think that there might be a Borders in Sydney, but that’s about 2 and a half hours away by car and 3 hours by train, though I was lucky enough to find one in Melbourne last January and I whacked a great chunk of book-related bills onto my plastic that I’m still paying off, 2 months later. The woes of living in small-town Australia.

Yah! you heard from your hubby. How nice! I’m sure it must be hard too though. 🙂

March 7, 2003

i wouldn’t know about that….no one ever calls me. thanks for the shoulder!

March 8, 2003

Those close to me know that I am most uncomfortable talking on the phone, for reasons too long to go into in this note format LOL. Still, there are a very few people who I can talk with for hours and when I leave the conversation it’s only due to fatigue or a fear of becoming an even worse bore; there are still thoughts unspoken. I know exactly how you feel:^) Thanks for the notes. T

March 8, 2003

i read this soon after getting off the phone with my mom and dad. *smile*.

Phone calls either bring elation or anxiety for me. damn them.