a little finger cymbal goes a long way

The classical Thai music I am currently listening to is somehow relaxing in its discordance. It’s not something you can hum to. It certainly has no recognizable melody or even a real steady beat . I think it is the random clinking of finger cymbals that really gives it its appeal, that or the totally out of tune whistles. I like it. But, tonight is the last night of it, as my beloved is returning on the morrow (and he can’t stand it). I’ve got more romantic stuff anyway. I know; he’s only been gone a week this time, but you’ve got to get reunion hanky-panky in whenever you can.

He is bringing me a surprise, but won’t tell me what it is. This is on top of the biggest prize of all – books. Now, of course, Amazon.com has totally changed life in the ex-patriot community; English books are a click and three weeks away, but it’s not the same as a real bookstore. So, whenever one of us is Stateside, we buy up whatever titles, covers, contents look good to us and drag back 40 pounds of verbal ecstasy.

I am bone tired, but my house is thoroughly clean – top to bottom. Unfortunately, the remnants of Typhoon Maemi rolled through here today and it rained just enough to prevent me from doing any yard work – aawww, too bad (don’t read too much disappointment here). All we got was some rain, but South Korea really got whacked. Maemi is the strongest typhoon to hit South Korea since they started keeping records – 140 confirmed dead already. Still, it gave me time to shampoo the carpets and sort the tea tin. I also laid out the last of my Persian carpets, which the cat immediately claimed as his own (just like the others). I hope he keeps his hairballs to himself.

Hope you have a great day 🙂

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One of the problems of taking things apart and seeing how they work – supposing you’re trying to find out how a cat works–you take that cat apart to see how it works, what you’ve got in your hands is a non-working cat. The cat wasn’t a sort of clunky mechanism that was susceptible to our available tools of analysis…

..There wasnt two cats at Kilkenny, each thought there was one cat too many, So they quarrell’d and fit, They scratch’d and they bit, Till, excepting their nails, And the tips of their tails, Instead of two cats, there weren’t any. Like my rhyme? No? Oh well.

Our siamese thinks my whole bed belongs to her and if you’re already there, she lays on you. and she’s taken to jumping on top of the glass top of our one aquariums, so not a good idea! Visions of impaled Koi and bloody cat come into my head… and yet, they are so lovable in their ownership of us… 🙂

There is a cat sleeping on me. He waited until I got dressed for work, totally ignoring me whilst in my PJs. Then, once girded for the day in a rather nicely tailored polyester/wool blend pantsuit, he has the unmitigated (yes, I said unmitigated!) audacity to jump into my lap, shed all over me and fall asleep. He has such nerve, knowing full well that I will be hesitant to disturb his cute

*smile* i vacuumed my house today….just for FUN! (i know…i’ve gone weird since i got Kirby)

Classical Thai… as opposed to pop Thai? The mind boggles : ) RYN: Gawd, I remember the toilet paper. I’m surprised we didn’t get ration coupons for it, too.


Hello again. I heard about the Typhoon from my older brother in Japan. I feel for the people in South Korea. I’m sure everything will work out just fine for you and yours. Take care and keep on truckin’.

Hope you enjoyed the surprise, whatever it is 🙂