what to do w/myself

i’m just waking up on a lovely saturday afternoon . . .it’s about 1:00pm. I finally got to sleep peacefully w/out anyone interrupting my lovely dreams. usually my mom or dad or sometimes even my cat will get into my room and bother me for no reason at all, i hate that. anyway, lastnight i fell asleep on the couch watching a marathon of Road Rules. I usually don’t really like to watch Road Rules but it was the season that I liked. Semester At Sea. I loved that one. Sometimes I might watch the occasional Road Rules/real world challenge . . .that, i can deal with. Then i was awaken by noises of a plastic bag, i assumed it was one of my parents but i was wrong. I get up and go in the kitchen and it was Princess . . .my cat. She was trying to get into the trash because she smelt food in there or something. So I startled her and she quickly stopped and ran into the guest bedroom and went to sleep. I realized that it was 6:45am so, i got my pillow and stuff off of the couch and went to my room and finally went to sleep. And here I am now . . .what do i do with myself. I have no idea. I’m supposed to go to the beach today(VA beach) . . .its a little hot outside, i think i would pass out or something. maybe i’ll round up some of my friends and call lil_miss_j and see if they wanna go out there later on this evening when its cooler outside you know? i love the smell of the beach at night. i have got to find something to do with myself sometime today so that i don’t go crazy and end up in a straightjacket or anything like that. that wouldn’t be good. SCOOBY is here. i have a friend who is obsessed with scooby doo(personally, i think he’s a little scary . . .just give a muppet baby or something and i’m fine). She’ll probably go to the beach too . . .she’s a little crazy. anyway, hopefully i’ll find something to do with myself. . . .this search could last forever!!

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July 7, 2001

thanks for he shoutout hon, and all those reading this she does have a pet named Princess, but it is not a cat……..is a lion..hahahahahahaha smooches