only at the beach

well, my night was definately more exciting than lastnight. I actually got a chance to go the beach with two of my friends. I’m very tired. we ate at this cute Italian place . . .its was pretty nice. Only later to be told by someone that when you go to the beach you’re supposed to eat seafood not Italian food. well, excuse me, i wasn’t aware of the rules that went along with going to the beach. . .sorry. we met up with a few more of our friends, got some of my favorite ice cream (hagan-daz, dulce de leche) and chilled. well . . .of course the night couldn’t be that easy. you know how i hate guys that go “psst . .psst!!”? well, that’s all we heard all night . . .thats so annoying to me. and one guy even had the nerve to ask us if it worked. well, obviously not if we’re not talking to you . . .get out of my way i’m trying to walk. Another thing, if i’m walking past you, don’t go and grab my arm or my friend’s arm. that will get you hit. i mean, i guess its better than someone touching your ass but still . . .no need to touch at all. because 1.i’m taken 2. i wouldn’t talk to you even if i wasn’t and 3. if you don’t have the common courtesy to approach me respectfully, then i don’t have the common courtesy to even aknowledge you . . .so move on!! one more thing while i’m venting . . .did i give you permission to attempt to video tape me and my friends?? probably not, so why in the hell is that video camera in my face? i’m not trying to be seen on some 3am commercials or that damn Girls Gone Wild video.(despite what my friends think -smile) I think that was about it that bothered me about the ignorant guys that were at the beach . . . on to the girls . . . .

Now, i know that if i tried to leave my house looking nasty my friends would tell me that i look nasty. They wouldn’t let me leave the house looking stupid and plus they wouldn’t wanna look dumb because they were gonna be with me. If one of my friends didn’t look “appealing” in something they were wearing i would politely tell them and then let them decide what to do. I do think that if you’re comfortable in something . . .good . . .as long as you’re comfortable go for it BUT there are just some things that people shouldn’t wear. i’m sorry but i don’t wanna see you butt hanging out of anything, especially since i just finished eating. yuck!! another thing, how about you learn how to walk in the shoes before you wear them out . . .that’s probably a smart thing to do. i don’t want to see you trip and embarrass yourself. sorry to rant and rave about my fellow “female sisters”, but it was just horrible. now some of the other things that bothered me was little stuff that probably wouldn’t bother anyone else but it gets under my skin for some reason. here’s a little taste: cute little gucci purse and a hoochie ass outfit . . .lets at least pretend like you have a gucci purse on your shoulder . . .just do that for yourselves ladies.

whew!! i think i’ve said enough about my trip to the beach. i’ve had enough of the beach to last me a long time. i’m gonna retire for a few weeks . . .too much for me to handle in one night. one more piece of advice to my ladies: LET’S WORK ON THE APPEARANCE PLEASE!! RESPECT YOURSELF!! and for the fellas: NO GRABBING, TOUCHING, YELLING OR VIDEO TAPING, EACH TIME YOU DO THAT YOUR CHANCES WITH THAT GIRL ARE SLOWLY DYING DOWN . ..unless of course that girl likes that type of stuff . . .this one DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until next time . . . .

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