Went to the Ocologist Today

I took Mom to the oncologist today.  That was depressing.  She will be on Carboplatin and Taxol or Carboplantin and Gemzar.  She will be in a clinca trial to see which of the drugs works better.  They both work, but they want to know which combination works better.  She will most likely be getting Procrit injections too.  It will help build her red blood cells back up after the chemo kills them off.

I’m gonna go look up what I can on those meds.  I know she will lose her hair.  Its a given.  But the idea of her being sick and vomiting all the time worries me.  The doctor said they have medications to control the naeusa and vomiting.  Alls I could think is “oh joy, more shit for her to have to take”.  Positve thought, right?

Baby is better, a little.  I’ve had her naked all day, well except for at the doctors, and the air seems to be helping.  There aren’t anymore bloody spots and the blisters are drying out. 

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.


Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.

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April 8, 2005

Praying for the best for you….

April 8, 2005

oh man, what a stressful day for you. ((HUGS))

April 8, 2005

{{{}}}} ~ajaye

April 9, 2005

What kind of baby powder do you use? I use the johnson’s & johnson’s pure cornstarch I think it is. I’m pretty absent minded at the moment, but anyway, if I’m wrong, I’ll come back to let you know. Anyway, the kind I use is really good at keeping him dry. He hardly ever has diaper rash since we changed to it. Take care hun. ;0)

April 11, 2005

Hang in there babe. *hugs*