
Woohoo!!!  Stole a couple of minutes to get back to my OD.

Doll is soo sick.  I took her to the docotr today because she was exorcist puking in the floor this morning.  She scared the hell out of me.  Oh I guess I should warn y’all that this is a TMI entry, sorry its a little late.  She hasn’t had a solid poop diaper since sometime on Thursday.  He butt is soo sore from teh dihera that she lays on the floor and cries as she is having another bowel movement.  Its the most pittyfull thing to see.  She bawls as soon as her stomach starts to cramp and its time to poop again.  Have you ever seen a child dread shitting?  Its a first for me.  I’ve had to take her off of solid food completly until she can hold down liquids.  The thing is she doesn’t want to drink.  She hates pedilyte.  Her doctor said it dosen’t matter what she drinks as long as she is drinking and its not milk products.  If I can’t get her to drink and start holding something down, doc will put her in the hospital to have an IV in.  I don’t want her to have to go through that, but what the hell am I going to do?  I can’t very well pour juice down her throat, can I?  I just want her to be well.   Its not fair for babies to be so sick.

What else?  Joseph is being an asshole right now.  He is a big whiney puss because he has a sinus infection.  Alls I can say is so fucking what.  The baby is sick and I am having the period from hell.  Get over your little bit od drainage and kiss my ass.  Fuck head.  He wears me out when he is sick.  Its like having another sick infant.  He dosen’t want to do a fucking thing.  Ihave to make him take his medicince like a child.  Ugg.  Jackass.

I got to see my apartment today.  Its all finished.  The carpet is brand new.  Its also poop colored.  The painting is all dove and new blinds have been put up.  God I can’t wait to be settled in.  I want everyhing done already.

I guess I’ve whined enough.  I need sleep.  Nite y’all and Happy Valenine’s Day.

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.


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February 14, 2005

Poor baby. 🙁 I hope she gets well soon. (((hugs)))

February 15, 2005

Aww… she sounds like she’s misreable… hope she gets better soon… and you get a lil relief!

February 15, 2005

As evil as it sounds, maybe you should try to get her to drink a little bit of sprite. Maybe the bubbles will help her tummy feel better. That’s what I did for John. I’d say give her something with cheese in it, but you said that she won’t eat. When John had a similar problem, we just gave him stuff to stop him up. He never had any problems eating…lol. I hope she gets better soon. Take care! ;0)

February 15, 2005

Here’s what my Dr told us to do when my little guy had a really bad diaper rash from diarhhea. We went to WalMart and got some Aquaphor..it’s by the makers of Eucerin, so it’s kind of pricy. Put the Aquaphor on and then put Desitin on top of it..his diaper rash was gone within the next 24 hours, and honestly he hasn’t had one since. Good luck.