Trick or Treat Bags

lilypie 4th birthday ticker

lilypie 6th to 18th ticker

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We started with craft foam.  Its springy.  I hope it will hol dup to all that loot.

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Helping.  (Making a mess.)

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I folded small strips of the foam in half so that it will push the bags open.  Its pretty stiff, so I think its going to work.

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That’s me fighting it to stay down long enough to get the clothes pins on.

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See, its layered up. 

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More mess making.

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Glitter paint makes everything all sparkly.  Now I’ve got to put some handles on and I’m done.

Y’all take care, 


Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.

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September 25, 2007

VERY CUTE! You are so crafty!

September 28, 2007

that’s so cute