to do


  1. clean out frige
  2. dishes
  3. counters
  4. trash
  5. sweep
  6. mop
  7. clear off bar

Dining Room:

  1. trash
  2. piants in box
  3. move furniture
  4. shelves up
  5. finish vase
  6. finish table
  7. laundry out
  8. stero out
  9. vacuum

Living Room:

  1. clear off desk
  2. trash out
  3. blankets out
  4. shelves out
  5. empty last of boxes
  6. sweep and mop entry way
  7. go through sale papers
  8. wire box out
  9. vacuum


  1. dirty clothes in hamper
  2. tub
  3. toilet
  4. sink
  5. sweep
  6. mop
  7. wall border up


  1. toys in toy box
  2. empy last of boxes
  3. clothes in closet
  4. dirty clothes out
  5. make bed
  6. balnkets into closet
  7. move dressers
  8. fill dressers
  9. vacuum
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November 2, 2005

HOLY CRAP!!! That’s gonna take you a week to get done. 😛 Good luck!

November 3, 2005

Good luck!

November 5, 2005

Keep working that list. YOu’re doing far better than me.