Sex Survey
Can y’all tell I’m bored today? Stolen from poetry4hisglory.
1. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
2. What was your first lover’s name, and were you in love when you gave it up?
Joseph. Yep, I knew he was the one I was going to marry, so I was okay being with him.
3. How many sexual partners have you had?
4. What were their names?
5. Where’s the strangest place indoors you’ve had sex? his parents bed.
6. How about outdoors?
Yeah, but we were really drunk, and I don’t recomend it.
7. Have you ever fantasized about having sex with someone of the same gender (or of the opposite gender, if you’re gay)? If so, who?
No,not really into the girl/girl thing.
8. On a scale of 0-10, 0 being absolutely heterosexual and 10 being absolutely homosexual, where would you rate your sexual orientation?
9. Do you use “marital aids”? If so, what are they?
Yes, I have a dildo and we have soem other toys. 🙂
10. Have you ever “dressed up” and/or role played?
11. Have you ever had sex with someone of a different race or nationality?
12. If you have a significant other….Don’t think, just respond. Does your primary lover still light up the room when s/he walks in?
13. Have you ever watched nonprofessionals have live sex? If yes, elaborate. If not, would you?
Never watched anybody else. We might, I don’t know. I would probablly have to be even drunker.
14. Have you ever had sex in front of others? Explain yourself if you have. If you haven’t, do you think you ever would?
I gave Joseph a hand job one time with Brandy in the room. We were watching tv and it was under a blanket, so I didn’t think she would know. Boy howdy was I wrong.
15. Your favorite charity is renting a private hall for a fund raising event. They’re asking for volunteers to strip. Would you do it for a charitable cause, provided no one would ridicule you or laugh?
Nope. No fat bitches allowed.
16. Have you ever had sex with someone in direct exchange for money and/or a favor?
Joseph and I play lets make a deal every now and then. I give him some and he has to do something for me, like go to my family reunions and other completely unbearable ordeals.
17. What would you ideally have your five senses (smell, taste, feel, sight, hearing) experience while having sex?
smell: rose petals
taste: chocolate
feel: Him kissing my back.
sight: Candle light.
hear: some soft music playing in the background
18. last time you had sex, was it functional or fun?
19. Could you have sex with someone you don’t love?
20. Would you rather have sex first thing in the morning or last thing at night?
At night. I have man tendencies of rolling over and going to sleep afterwards.
21. Finally, please leave an anonymous note describing someone you would like to have sex with, but you have not. This could be a celebrity, a person from your own life, or even someone on OD. Come on. It’s anonymous. No one will ever know.
Sorry, can’t think of anyone I want to have sex with at this point.
I’m sooooo stealing this. *wink*
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LOL @ his parents bed. Dining room tables are also fun. 😉
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You’re just such the good gal.
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