Make It All Stop

Dear God!! When will it all end? Mom was on the elevator to go to the cardiologist, he has to give clearance for her to have her surgery, and passed out. The ambulance had to come and get her because my dad couldn’t pick her up.

I guess I haven’t told y’all about that. For the past two weeks she has been vomiting constantly. Okay, no I take that back, she has been heaving constantly. She has nothing left to throw up. There is almost no bile left. When water hits her stomach, it comes straight back up. After being on an IV for a couple of hours, she pukes the IV fluid up. I don’t know why it happening. No one has even offered an idea as to what is going on. I know there are more concerned about the tumors and I am too, but I have to wonder what’s the use of removing the tumors to have her die from dehydration.

I’m sure I am overreacting, but I don’t know what to do. I’m stuck here at the house with Jesse and Doll. I can’t go to the hospital and find out what is going on. I have to wait for a call from someone to let me know what happening. Or I have to leave Joseph stranded here with the kids to try and spend a few minutes with Mom. And its so not a good idea for Joseph to have the kids by himself for long. He gets frustrated with both of them. He can handle one at a time, but I’m not about to take my ten month old to a hospital and I really don’t want Jesse to see Mom like that. I want him to only think of Mom as his mom, not some sickly woman who couldn’t care for him. Am I wrong in that? Am I trying to shelter him too much? He is only four for Christ’s sake. He doesn’t need to see all that.

I wish Joseph were home now. I need to cry.

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.


When they made it to the hospital her blood sugar was 38 and her bp was 226/113. I kid you not. That is stroke levels. This makes the fourth time she has been in the ER since last Wednesday. The same doctor has been there every time. He said that no matter what the insurance company says she isn’t going home this time. Its bullshit to keep letting her go so she can start the vomiting and passing out again.

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March 10, 2005

oh dear god hun1 im so so so so sorry with whats happening to your mom! i will really lift her up in my prayesr tonight like i always do! take it one monet ata time god in control1 im here if u ever need to chat i care about u sweetie1 im here and i care! i know things can get overwhelming so easily! gods arems are holding your mom right now!whats your email address i dont know if u gave to me?

March 10, 2005


March 11, 2005

Babe, why didn’t you tell me??? I tried calling you several times yesterday afternoon, but your cell said you were out of area, and your home kept ringing. I am here, you know how to get a hold of me. *hugs you tightly* You know what I think about the Jesse situation. I think you are doing it perfectly, don’t doubt yourself. When Cody talks about mom it is about the good memories, not

March 11, 2005

bad ones, as with Courtney and Darien, they talk about how sick mom was and how she didn’t look “right”. Cody never has to think that way. You are doing the right thing, he doesn’t need to see her that way. With her not eating she probably has lost some weight as well. *hugs* Let me know if I can do anything for you babe. Love you!

March 11, 2005

Damn Mandy, I’m sorry this is going on. Maybe things will get better once those tumors are out. If she gets dehydrated while at the hospital, sue the f%ckers. If you need me, I’m here. Which hospital is she at? I have to work tomorrow 5-10, but I’m off until next week sometime I’m sure. You should have the number, if not it is in a previous entry. Take care Hun.

Star Light sent me to give you some love so *HUGS*

(((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) I hope all is well soon! It must be awful to see your mom like that 🙁 And I think you’re doing the right thing, no four year old needs to witness that just yet, let him have the good memories. You seem like an excellent mom.