I’m alive

I promise.  Things have been really crazy with the holidays and stuff.  My puter is in the shop right now.  The fucking power supply went out. What the hell is that?  I thought the power supply came from the plug in the wall.  Oh well. 

I’m at the dreaded in-laws rght now, but at least they have internet and I can read a bit.  I won’t get caught up with you all, but I missed y’all dearly.  I need my OD buddies!!!!  Oh and someone thought was worried about me.  šŸ™‚  I love you Beth.

Carrie, darling, I’m not ignoring your calls, I promise.  I have not been home much.  I will talk to you after this weekend, I swear. 

I will be back to my normal crazy self soon.  Wemove in another week or so, so on op of Christmas, I have to pack.  I will be around again soon.

Love y’all dearly.  Y’all take care abn hug those babies tight.


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January 2, 2005

haha no.. the power supply tends to go out eventually.. it sucks though.. easy to replace, fortunately