I am…

lilypie 4th birthday ticker

lilypie 6th to 18th ticker

My name is


I am

admirer, adult, animal lover, artsy, babe, bbw, beautiful, big sister, bitch, brunette, bubbly, child, cousin, cuddly, daughter, dog lover, dork, dreamer, dude, fabulous, family-closeted, flirty, fluffy, free, friendly, full of hate, full of love, geek, girly-girl, glittery, goddess, huggy, intelligent, introvert, kid, kinky, little sister, lovely, loving, ma’am, mama, mommy, mother, natal woman, nerd, niece, odd, parent, passionate, queen, quiet, quirky, romantic, sassy, sensitive, sexy, she-geek, shy, snuggly, sweet, trustworthy, understanding, versatile, weird, wife, woman, XX, YES!

Who are you?

Y’all take care,




Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.


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September 10, 2007

Are you still a wife? I’d put you are patient in there and maybe a touch stubborn…in a good way lol *hugs*