Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for:

  1. My beautiful daughter who thinks I light up the world.
  2. A wonderful husband that cares for me and worships the ground I walk on.
  3. A mother thats loves me even if I don’t always think so.
  4. A father who though blissfully unaware of the world around him is willing to help me when he can.
  5. A sister who is truly my other half.  I mean really, how many people can say they have a true double?
  6. A little brother to keep me in stitches everyday, even if I want to beat him.
  7. The chance to be home and raise my daughter the way I want to.
  8. An amazing friend who though not as close as I would like is always willing to listen to me bitch, even if her life is rough at the time.
  9. My friends from OD.  I’ve never known such wonderful women before.  Y’all are kind and loving and possibly the greatest people I have ever known.

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.  Oh, and I hope you all have tons of fun, get stuffed til you want to pop, and enjoy the blessings of the day.


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November 24, 2004

Hi Mandy, that is a wonderful “thankful” list.

November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2004

It sounds like you had a great thanksgiving. Mine went well & the baby even fed himself his dinner. I’ll try to call you tomorrow if I don’t get called in early & talk a little bit with you. :0) Take care! :0)

November 26, 2004

MANDY!!!!!!! Get rid of this ugle ass background! I hate it…Grrrrrr… and yes you do need my aproval about it, next time you decide to change the background and all that fun stuff, you need to let me know so I can make sure you don’t make this mistake again…Sheesh…