Bad, You Know It
I think I was around eight years old and I had my first real allowance to spend. Brandy and I had each got our own "boom boxes" for Chirstmas the year before. What should I spend my first ever hard earned $20 on? Bad by Michael Jackson. It was a cassette tape. My very first and my very own. I played it until the tape shredded.
I’m incredibly shocked, as is everyone else, he wasn’t that old. Its not like 50 is old age.
And Farrah Fawcette too? At least she isn’t in pain any more.
I guess they add up to the three with Ed McMan.
Very sad stuff.
Y’all take care,
Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.
That’s a sweet story about Michael Jackson
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I don’t really know what to think, I wasn’t a fan, though I liked his stuff up to the Thriller album. Only ever bought one of his singles, Beat It, but when the Jackson 5 cartoon series used to be on, I was only 2 or 3, I used to sing along to ABC. But then there were all the molestation allegations and the dangling the baby out the window and you wonder what happened to him. But 50’s actuallya fairly average Rock and Roll age to go.
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Eh, I am not that upset about the whole Michael Jackson thing, I mean, he was a child abuser. I have no tolerance for that. If he was the same man as he was ten twenty years ago, then the nation would be in full mourning, but the monster he grew into, eh… Death happens in threes.
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RIP Micheal 🙁 ryn: When I worked for WalMart while I was going to college & I did a very decent job. I got paid minimum wage though. That’s not enough for someont to seriously live off of. It’s complete BS. I think if they’d stop being so cheap & pay their actual good employees better.. they’d actually stick around & then WalMart wouldn’t have to go for the sh*t people who couldn’t get a job anywhere else. 😛
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It is so sad about Michael Jackson. 🙁 Just noticed you have me bookmarked. I’m adding you to friends and to my bookmarks. I do a lot of friends only entries. 🙂
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