34 weeks and 5 days
Am I allowed to just say 35 weeks? Is there some rule to shortening the time? In case you didnt already notice, Im sick of being pregnant. Little Miss Brandi discovered that she can put her feet under my ribcage and push up. That way mommy is in pain and baby has more room. Is it to early to want to beat her?
Can someone please tell me where else she is going to get room? I am by no means a little woman, but I am fairly certain that there is no more space in my abdomen.
I went to another birthing class last night. They are okay, but a little boring. I think that they dont give you enough information on some things though. We watched a live birth that took like eight minutes and then a cesarean that was a computer animation that took about 45 seconds. Ive heard that in an emergency a baby can be out in about a minute, but I so dont think that it is that rushed during a routine c-section. I just dont feel like they were fully explaining everything.
Brandy, my sister, and I were talking about how long Ive been pregnant. She said it seemed like forever too. When we found out that my mother was pregnant with our little brother, she was already 7 months along. To us, it felt like the worlds shortest pregnancy. We only had a few weeks to get everything ready. Ive had months and months, and I dont think that I am anywhere near ready. I still havent even put her bedding stuff together. Her clothes are still packed away. I really dont want to open all of her clothes though. What if she ends up close to ten pounds, then she will go almost immediately into 3-6 month clothes.
Well, Im off to take my mom back to the doctor. I have an appointment on Thursday. Let yall know how things go later this week. Bye.
Take care,
I know what you mean. I am so tired of being pregnant. i feel like I have been pregnant forever.
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