
lilypie kids birthday ticker

lilypie 6th to 18th ticker

lilypie first birthday tickers



Whoever said the body is 80% wate lied.  Its 80% snot.  My nose won’t stop running.  Ugg.

Kids are home for the rest of the week.  Thanksgiving is so much fun.  I took my turkey out of the freezer Saturday and put it in cool water last night.  That damn thing is still hard as a brick bat.

Brandy had to go into work at 4:30 this morning, so I have a Taco asleep in my bed.  She is very cute with all the stretching and grunting.

I’m so excited for next week.  Did I tell you about the concert we are going to Friday night?  Its going to be soooo cool.  *Squeee!!!!


and 30 Seconds to Mars

He’s so damn hot.

Damnit, I gotta go blow my nose again.  Ick.  Guess I’ll do a little homework too. 

Talk at y’all later.



Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.


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LOL @ the turkey! I would not even know where to begin if I had to cook a turkey. Martha Stewart I am not! That’s awesome that you get to go to the concert. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving as well!

December 1, 2009

Ah the dreaded runny nose. Hope you feel better.

December 1, 2009


December 1, 2009

RYN: lol i know i’ll try writing more coherently, part of the reason why it was all over the place is cause i kept coming back hours later adding to it. aha atleast you still read. hope you’re feeling better – i fckin hate snot and clogged noses. <333333

December 3, 2009

RYN: That’s my little Lola :o)