Winter’s Parting Words

it’s all i can take
to remember
that you’re not
whispering my
and you aren’t
looking at

you’re looking
through me

is it really me you see?

the tables are
just like they
one thousand
times before
and i won’t
fool myself –
no, not again.

and you’re looking
down at the ground
and our bodies
are in sync
and your heart
is lost
and it
just can’t
be found
near mine…

… and
you still feel
the scalding flames
from embers
long since
gone dead…
… i sometimes
think i can
feel it too…

…but you
were always
so far away
trapped inside
a winter storm
and i was here..
… i was here, all along.

so it took you
this long to find me?
when i wasn’t really
when you really
weren’t looking…

… and here you find me,
in full bloom
and here you find me…
…but time’s run out….

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