Say What You Need To Say

Day Zero Project

Ow. That makes my chest hurt.
I found a place in my phone where all my dinosaur texts are kept…think March 2010. When I was in a place where I didn’t know who I loved more..Brandon or Dustin. So I chose Jeff instead, because that was easier than picking between the two special people in my life. Eventually I chose Dustin last September (lord, has it really been almost a year already?) but Brandon and I were still friends.
So, these texts…so heartwrenching. They are inane texts, really…just my side of the conversation, too. Just things like "Hey, can you pick me up a Mt Dew?" or "Are we going to your house for dinner?" or …the worst… "Does that mean you miss me? Just say it. SAY IT! :)" Things that pick at the strings of my heart, broken strings I thought were well on their way to healing, almost completely healed in fact. I was at a place where I could sing "In Repair" by John Mayer. And then I read these dinosaur texts and I want to ram my head through a wall, or rip my heart out. Probably the latter.
I know I hurt him. Yes, he hurt me along the way too….and I am not trying to sugarcoat that. But I was the worst offender, not that the pissing contest about it matters anymore. And I dated Brandon (for over a year and a half) knowing my feelings for Dustin, with the expectation that, at some point, I would get back together with Dustin. And this past year, I "led him on", I guess, even though I was in a relationship and planned to stay there. Because it was easy to flirt with him, knowing it would go nowhere….until it went somewhere. And I was wrong and I get that. But to some extent, he should have known that this was coming: why in the hell would I leave Dustin for him? Why? WHY would I do that?!! I wouldn’t!
And I have spent so fucking long trying to make it OK that I have to let go of him. Even before this last time. Because rationally, I know I ought to, that I HAVE to. But my heart resists, my entire BEING shies away from that. It isn’t ME to let go of someone. It isn’t me to abandon something I love. And I love him. It may not be the way he wants me to, but I love him. And a part of me fucking died inside his car that day at midnight when he didn’t even open his lips a centimeter to fight for me. I know he has no reason to fight for me, but I guess I expected him to do what I would do in that situation. And he didn’t, and it crushed me. Because I’m an idiot.
And now, here I am on a Tuesday night, post-work, reading dinosaur texts that mean nothing really, but they are so precious because his name is at the top, and because I fucking miss him, and because its still not OK that he’s gone. it’s not fucking OK. But I have to suffer my fate. Because that’s the fucking choice I made. And I know it’s the right one but it doesn’t make this suck any less.
I need to cry but I can’t. I have no fucking tears. Except for when it’s a stupid time to cry, like when I barely cut my finger, or when I’m listening to a song I like, or I’m watching a commercial. THEN I want to cry. But not now. Now I cannot summon up a tear for the life of me. And I need it.
i don’t know how to make it happen anymore. and i definitely don’t know how to make this OK right now.
and life goes on.


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Bah. That’s what I have to say about this. BAH! The hardest lesson I ever had to learn was that you simply cannot make things okay when they’re not. You just gotta get through it. The only way out is through, as they say. Dinosaur messages are just that… meant for the prehistoric ages. Keep them there, okay? Ryn: GOOD LORD I’m a terrible procrastinator. It’s so harrrddd to pick favorite songs! Whine. I do appreciate how you just ordered me to make you a playlist though. I like it. Also, hellz yeah dude, I move tomorrow! Not really. But I’d be okay with it.