
If there’s one thing I could NOT hate more, it’s television.
The sound of a television turning on makes me cringe.
When did we stop having conversations with our family, and start staring, drooling at the TV. Often times, when I try to speak, I’m told to "quiet down" or, someone yells out, ‘SHUT UP, I’M TRYING TO HEAR!" As if missing one minute of your program is going to make the city fall down in flames. Oh no, you missed that episode of LOST, your life is forever changed!
Why do we have to get sole entertainment for sitting like a vegetable in front of the television? You have arms and legs and a nice, healthy heart… why don’t you go play outside or something?
It’s getting increasingly bothersome, this television.
I won’t say I DON’T watch TV, because I do. But I don’t freak out if someone starts talking in the middle of my show.
In my eyes, other people count more than made up TV characters.
Please, get over your TV obsession.
<3 amanda

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