pumpkin season

Hello all.
Financially speaking, I am making slow progress, but I suppose it’s still progress (as related to my pittance of an income, snort). Lately I’ve been working with my supervisor, tag-teaming a bunch of projects and generally working 6-10 hour days. So that will definitely boost my check, but meanwhile I’m nearly killing myself with the odd hours I keep (one day I went to work at midnight, another day 2 am, another day 5:30…you get the drift). Mostly this past weekend I just focused on sleeping as much as possible, as it is a rare commodity in my life recently.
So financially, basically what I’m doing is trying to build my savings to at least 1k, and then start hammering away at my credit cards (big one first, I’m thinking). I enrolled myself in a program at the bank that rounds up each transaction to the nearest dollar and puts the difference in a savings account (which will help A LOT in the long run, I think). So far I’m over halfway to my goal, so yay! But then again, the piper is coming in November expecting to be paid. It will be a looming threat until it happens. Unfortunate.

In other news, my mom is quitting her job…which is where I work. The stress is too much for her and she isn’t even really doing what she wants to be doing (Oncology, namely…she’s good at it). So there’s that.

Meanwhile, I still desperately want to move on to a new job, and my mom leaving is sort of like the perfect escape. These hours are killing me, and I’m already aware that they aren’t going to last. Plus, I sort of hate my job. Not the people I work with, or work around, but the actual JOB. It’s so mundane and tedious and just a giant headache.  But I don’t really know where to go — or how to get there. Simply quitting my job and waiting for the temp agency to find me something isn’t really an option. I have aforementioned bills to pay….and I don’t want to have to end up picking up hours at the CLI. I got out for a reason and have no desire to go back.

So that leaves finding doable jobs and applying and hoping for a callback. Then again, my dad knows many people in the community…

Dustin and I are doing well. Yesterday he took me to a pumpkin patch because I was complaining that I want to go on a hayride. So we did. And it was weird because his parents ended up showing up to the SAME pumpkin patch at the SAME time…without knowing we were there at all. Talk about weird timing. It was a lot of fun and he bought me an apple cider from Starbucks and if it would have been a little chillier outside, it would have all been perfect.

I’ve picked an amazing person….and well, our "8-year-anniversary" is right around the corner on the 5th. 🙂

I also went to his little brother’s Youth football game on Saturday and I think I won points with his mom for going.


So, today, I have the day off. I plan on getting caught up on laundry and maybe taking a bath and pampering myself before I have to dread getting up at 4 a.m. tomorrow. And of course I’ll look for jobs and try to plan a little for the future.




p.s. I’ve been reading…lurking….not really noting.

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