|Poem| Morning Sky

Fall apart, here I am, see me crumble

I’m at the will and mercy of God alone

Tear drops fall like acid rain drops

I’m scarred, and exposed for all to see


My rage and pain flow as one river

My veins hold the venom I seek to contain

Captured inside is the darkness I’d kill to reveal

But yet I bottle it up, and forever daunting it remains


Indifference makes my heart race in my eyes

My soul screams for the release of the evil inside

Red hot irons scald the weak and defenseless

And I am branded as the wind passes me by


I’m slowly dying, even on the inside, I am wilting

I’m enveloped in the gray of the morning sky

I cry out, but there’s no one left to help me;

They’ll all let me just simply fade away


My hands are tied securely in front of me

I’ve nowhere left to turn in this empty world

All I loved has left me fighting my very being

I fought my own battles; and failed once more


I’m forgotten by everyone but myself

And I cannot bear to even look in the mirror

I’m weakening and no one will save me now

I let it go, and fade away, into the morning sky



A Psycho Princess,

Amanda Katherine Chandra Kassia Marian Phillippa de Beauchamp


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HEY its a man!-duh!//haha great poem chick! loved it..why dont you write like one of those for tim, cept without the like scalding iron part..lol well see you at school my dear love ya much; ciao les.