
We often underestimate our parents. We critcize their every step as we yearn for independence, reach out for it like a flower strains in the sunlight. Watch out, parents; we’re analyzing you – and you may not even notice.
In adolescence, we love to criticize and analyze. These are the days we try to reason instead of just simply plopping down and screaming until we get our way, as we did when we were younger. These are the days when "I hate you" is heard daily followed by an abrupt slamming of the door. At this age, it’s easier to just get pissed off instead of facing the real fact; our parents are human too.
As children, most of us look up to our parents. Our parents, always there to pick us up when we fall, to reassure us and to protect us, to guide us and lead us and love us. Our parents often become our everyday heroes.
But as we grow older, we realize they aren’t as perfect as we always thought they were. They falter and make mistakes, they get sad and mad and frustrated, as we all do.
So to all you kids out there – let up on your parents once in awhile… they are doing the best they can (well, most of them anyway.) Appreciate them.
And to all you parents out there – try to give your kids a little more independence…. they need it to grow and blossom, as a plant needs water.
<3 amanda

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January 19, 2007

nicely put kiddo…welcome back till things are brighter. nick.