On Sunday Mornings

Day Zero Project

It’s Sunday morning; it’s 70 degrees and my open windows are catching a slight breeze; the house is quiet, calm; I am sipping my coffee contentedly, catching up on my favorites and their notes. I feel whole and calm and brilliant, at peace, it’s like chaos has fled from my mind 95% of my waking hours nowadays, which is not only miraculous but whole-heartedly welcome.

No word on the apartment yet, but I suppose it’s only been 3 days. I am balancing myself somewhere between patience and impatience. It’s not so bad. And I am very capable of it. Oh hey, look at that, I’m growing up before my own eyes.

I spent the last two nights at Dustin’s as his parents went up north. I sort of felt sixteen for awhile, like we were sneaking around, but damnit, we’re both twenty and if we want to have a sleep over, we have more than earned that right. I had trouble sleeping the first night, as D is always congested because of his off-the-charts allergies to grass and other fun things, and thus he snores. But he did invest in some menthol Breathe Right strips, so I only had to feel like I was sleeping next to Darth Vader instead of that dude from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

We had coffee out on the porch with the dog both mornings, and it was really nice to sit out in the sun and pleasant breezes and talk about things like budgets and my dad’s unfinished projects and why we work with douche-bags sometimes. It was fun to imagine what it would feel like to someday have a full-time job sans weekends and thus join the rest of the world in content weekend days.

God, I’m rambling.

Since work has this awesome pizza deal on Sundays….and I’m the "Pizza Queen", I will be wanting to kill myself most of  tonight. Last Sunday was crazy busy….like Jeff stopped calling out tickets because there was no point, and for awhile I didn’t know my ass from my head. So hopefully today will go a lot better, e.g. not having 25 tickets hanging at once.

I think that’s enough for now. I have nothing profound to write about, besides the fact that I am plodding steadily along like the bull I am. And I’m doing it with peace and finesse, even if I sometimes still turn into a sulky child, especially when I’m sleepy.



even if your hands are shaking,
and your faith is broken,
even as your eyes are closing,
do it with a heart wide open.

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June 3, 2012

ohhh, it all sounds so lovely and simple. I’m so happy for you. 🙂 RYN: YES I’M SO COMING 😀 😀 love as always

Aw that sounds so nice 🙂 I hope work goes ok tonight!! ryn: Yeah dude, I remember the feeling of getting my first place! It’s so exciting! Also, I’m glad you can relate to all that. Sometimes when I write I feel like I’m just crazy, but when people are like, yeah!!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. <3