My college > the fires of hell

Day Zero Project

College should NOT be as complicated as it is. At least not for me.

How college SHOULD be…

Me- HAI, I want to attend your school. Please let me in!
College- Ok! No problem! You’re even over-qualified to be here!

Step TWO:
Me- Hai, I can’t pay for school myself and my parents are not planning to help (which is a good thing…but that’s another entry all together). Filling out the FAFSA. FAFSA claims I can get up to $6500. Which makes sense ’cause last year I got $5500!
College- No problem! We will give you X-Amount, which will cover the fees for all the classes you want to take and then also the cost of books. Because that’s what fucking makes sense.

Happily attend classes & move toward a degree.

HOWEVER, it is NOT like that.

The reality?

Step One:
Me- Hai, I want to attend your scho–
College- Pay this fee to submit your application, then run around town collecting all your transcripts (please don’t have transcripts sent to us because we’ll lose them….drive out here and waste gas just to be sure we get them!). Then we will jerk you around for a few weeks, although you’re clearly over-qualified to be at this school….and then we will send you your acceptance letter.
Me- Um…k

Step Two:
Me- Hai, I can’t really pay for college myself and–
College- Why did we get your FAFSA, you’re aren’t even enrolled here. <two weeks go by> Oh, here’s your financial aid letter that says we will give you $3500. Yup, it will barely cover the cost of your classes, definitely won’t cover your books. There’s no apparent reason why you are getting severely less aid here than you did at your last school…we just want to fuck you over. Also, we sent out a letter on 7-18-11 stating that you need to pay $200 (WHAT) to us by 8-1-11….it doesn’t matter that you didn’t get the letter until 7-23. ALSO, we chose not to list why you owe us $200, and instead just put "for inquiries and questions, please call <insert number here>" ….yes, of course that’s the college hotline that has you on hold for upwards of 45 minutes until you can talk to a real person. HAVE FUN GOING TO COLLEGE HERE YOU WILL LOVE IT.

what. the. fuck.


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Holy fuck, I could have sworn I commented on this! Uh, something about how YES I hate colleges’ administrative/admittance/counselling programs. They ALL suck. Which I can say with absolute authority since I’ve been to every single one, duh. But, and maybe it’s just me, it’s worth it. I love going to school, at least when I’m being challenged, which isn’t often, but I love learning regardless. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I miss my Amanda entries. I’m gonna text you in a minute, hehe.