Diet Changes

 I’ve been changing my diet. Not because I think I’m fat or anything like that (though, due to skipping the gym for months on end, I’ve lost most of my muscle tone and gained a little fat on my legs and stomach). Instead, it’s because I eat like absolute crap, and when I eat like absolute crap, I feel like absolute crap. Good nutrition has always held my interest, but usually I improve for a meal or two and then end up going to Taco Bell or getting some Cheetos from the work vending machine. Not cool.

So I forced myself to drive to the store and pick out some healthy foods. I came back with greek yogurt, oatmeal, four different fruits, ingredients for homemade pizza, spaghetti sauce, a loaf of whole wheat bread, and some strawberry preserves. So far, so good. The oatmeal I bought because it’s so healthy for you; however, I had a bowl when I woke up and nope, still can’t stand the texture. I’ll probably try it one more time until I pawn it off on someone else. I still have yet to try the greek yogurt… everything else has been disappearing. Oh, and I loaded up on "healthy snacks" — almonds, walnuts, and some Teddy Grahams (shut up, they’re delicious).

I hope to change my diet for good, because I’ve actually had more energy and just generally FEEL better.

I really have to quit smoking, but I’m still dragging my feet on that Dr.s appointment. I’ll get there.

I also have to call back that nice lady from the job I applied for. I left her a message the same day she left me one and she hasn’t yet called me back. So I’ll call again today and hopefully I’ll reach her.


In any case, I have a busy day ahead and I’ve been up since about 1:30 this morning (well rested; slept all day yesterday after work).
Hope everyone is doing well!


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October 21, 2013

as I eat a bowl of Count Chocula cereal for dinner 🙂