As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars

Day Zero Project

So I totally gave in to my inner 8-year-old today and downloaded Jon Lajoie, Rucka Rucka Ali, and even Jenna Marbles’ "Bounce That Dick" (what? it has a catchy beat!). I was ridiculously excited about it too, anxious to get off to work so I could play it all on my iPod. Which reminds me that I really need to invest in a new iPod. Too bad, it will have to take the back burner for now.

Not much new to report, though. Just waiting, waiting and breathing.

I am quitting smoking again. Don’t cheer for me yet, though. I need to make it past two days. And then I need to make it past six weeks. For it to count. Obviously I write a lot about quitting and then when it comes down to the actual quitting, I give up quickly and painlessly. I am determined that this will be it…but then I’ve written those words like 800 times. So only time will tell.

So I grab my bags and go, as far away as I can go,
’cause everything ain’t what i used to know.
I try to hide, but I just can’t hide no more;
nothing’s worse than feeling like a ghost.

Not really sure why I’m writing, or what I have to write about. Maybe the words will come easier later this week. Until then, I have two days off in a row (a fucking miracle), so I’m just going to enjoy them and ride the tide.

Peace. Sensuality.

Those words are things I want to embody. And I will.


Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure’s all you’ve known.
Remember all the sadness and frustration,
and let it go.

Let it go.

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June 13, 2012

enjoy your two days off! love you RYN: it is strange, isn’t it? we’ve known each other for such a long time! <3 we should get back into emailing again soon (if we both have the time?)

I hate my job sometimes until I realize that it’s kind of nice having a steady schedule, with weekends off. It ain’t so bad. I hope you have a lovely two days off in a row!! Yay! Also, I just watched Bounce That Dick for the first time like last night and… omg I adore that girl. For real.

ryn: I just crave the shit out of outdoor activities! By the time summer is over though I always feel like I haven’t spent enough time outside haha. We’re busy ladies, man.