What’s up with that? *

Dear Diary;

Wow, okay.. it only took me 4 hours to log onto opendiary tonight. wtf is up with that?

Why it the time passing so slowly tonight? I though last night was bad, but tonight seems even worse. I was super busy earlier and I thought for sure a couple of hours had passed- nope! Turns out only 40 minutes had gone by. Talk about disappointment.

I went to the boards the other day and saw the photography group had this new post about feet pictures. I thought it was a cool idea so I’m going to start taking some pictures and collecting them all and when I’m done I’ll make something cool out of it. You can check out what I’m talking about here.

I keep loosing my internet connection. There’s a helluva storm going on and I think I may loose power eventually. It keeps flickering but the computer hasn’t gone off yet.

Canada day is Tuesday and I thought I’d post another video. Every day I am thankful I live in Canada.



I’m out.


* edit

I just wanted to add this video. It’s an original song by Kina Grannis and it seriously is so beautiful and touching and sad and.. sigh.



Log in to write a note

I love feet! =)