Please tell me the truth.




♥  It’s been over a week since my interview and I’ve heard nothing about the job- except that she hasn’t made a decision yet. She said she would let me know soon- but hey, it’s Friday night and a long weekend, so I don’t expect to hear ANYTHING any time "soon". 

I’m angry and sad at the same time. I’m generally very frustrated and confused and just plain… ticked the fuck off.

The more I think about it, the less confident I am that I’ll have ANY job at camp this summer, let alone the one I applied for. I appreciate the notes that I can find another camp- but you just don’t understand. I don’t want another camp- I want Davern. 

I feel like at this point, if I’m still expecting a positive response- I’m foolish.  Why wouldn’t she just tell me already?? I feel like she’s just putting off having to give bad news. That frustrates me even more.

Everyone I talk to has had their interview and has been officially offered their position. Even the people I don’t talk to- I’m hearing from other people that they’ve been hired. If that’s not bad enough, there is a facebook group and I can see every time one of my friends gets added to the group. 

My "friends" aren’t making me feel any better. Before the hiring, everyone was chatty and supportive of one another and I would be having text conversation daily with them to talk about upcoming interviews and potential questions and people were coming to ME for support because I’d been there the longest. 

Now they’re all avoiding me. Not answering my text messages. Not even curious to find out if I’ve heard anything. In fact, I texted one of them tonight and said

"ok, is everyone avoiding me because they know something I don’t? I’m not getting hired, am I? haha!"

 It was a joke. Until I didn’t get a response.

Seriously, be honest… do I even have a shot in hell any more? What’s taking so long?









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So sorry, Meggie.

Huggs just hang in there and don’t give up…