Oh, so it’s like that.

 Dear Diary;

Okay, well.. Kim’s initial phone call about the director job was a little miss-leading. Here’s the real deal:

They’re looking for someone to take on the full time job of Director- someone who understands more about the behind the scenes things (like marketing). They’re still running the ad for the job to see if they can find someone. I come in when they can’t find someone they like or someone who is qualified and knows something about camp as well as the other stuff. If, in a couple of weeks, they still haven’t found anyone to interview or if no one applies for the position- then I’ll be contacted again. They want me to be the intern director for the summer- taking on only the things to do with Davern and then when the summer is over, we would discuss whether I’d be good for the full time position.

Basically what I am saying is: I am not the Director. Yet. 

There’s a chance that they could find someone brilliant who wants to take it all on as a full time Director- in which case, I would go back to being the Wellness Coordinator (which isn’t so bad at all). It all depends on who they find- if anyone- in the next few weeks.

So that’s that.

I don’t have much else to say.





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April 16, 2010

Interesting – what do you think of that?

April 16, 2010

hmmmm 🙁 Well that’s rather misleading of them.

I was wondering how that made you feel, too. I think I would be a bit ticked off at being misled. Grrr…

April 17, 2010

while it is misleading you’d still have a summer job and you don’t have to feel the pressure of deciding if you want to be the director (yet).

April 19, 2010

yea that was a lil misleading BUT bright side is that you havea job, even if not as the director so you’ll still get to be there. It may not turn out bad either way…

April 19, 2010

if it isn’t meant to be… then… wellness coordinator is great! 🙂 just enjoy!