Officially Hired




♥ So I went to work this morning – my old job- and completely avoided going in to the office, therefore avoiding my supervisor all together. It was pretty shitty of me, but I was so stressed out this morning I felt like I was going to be sick- so I just skipped the stress and went straight to the school. 

After I was done there, I drove back to my town and went to the bank, then ran home to print the file that the new company sent me so I could get my police check started. Of course, I couldn’t get it to print because it was a Publisher file and I don’t have that program. I had about 10 minutes before I had to get on my way, and I could NOT find a program that would work to download the stupid file- so I called my friend in a panic and asked if she had publisher on her work computer. THANK GOODNESS she did and she was able to take the file and change the format and send it back to me to print. I love friends with computer skillz!

I rushed to the OPP station, got my receipt for my check and headed to Ottawa for this meeting. I got there at 2:50- was in the door at 2:55 and was back in my car to leave at 3:04. I KID YOU NOT. The "meeting" was basically a "congratulations, you’re officially hired" and a handshake and a quick overview of my schedule for the next week. My first shift/orientation is Saturday 7-3.

So, I left… and I get in my car and am slightly annoyed that I drove alllllll that way for 5 minutes. Then I started to freak out and panic. What have I gotten myself in to???

In order to get to work for 7am  (which by the way isn’t on the west end after all, but the far east end), I’m going to have to leave my house by 5am. That means in order to be ready, I’m going to be getting up at 4am. FOUR AM!!!!

I’m going to be sick of that on the first damn day. I am NOT a morning person. 

I’ve been trying to calm myself down.. think of the positive things. 

+ More hours = more money
+ No traffic at 5am
+ Done by 3
+ I work by myself (after orientation) and I LOVE that
+ There is a fabulous database I can access from home whenever i need to check where I’m going and who I’m with
+ Unionized
+ The staff I met seem happy with the job
+ I get paid for doing nothing half the time? This still confuses me, but apparently I’ll have "free time" during my day that I can do my grocery shopping or go have lunch and I will get paid for it.
+ No transporting clients, therefore I can get rid of my EXPENSIVE car insurance.
+ Eventually, I can MOVE OUT.

That’s a lot of pluses. 




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February 7, 2013

woo hoo!

February 8, 2013

That IS a lot of pros! Hope it all works out for u! And CONGRATS!


February 9, 2013

Exciting! And scary, too.

February 11, 2013

The pros are overwhelming for the job! The con of getting up at 4am does suck, but the benefits you’ve listed will make it more than worth it 🙂 Good luck!