I won The Price Is Right!
Dear Diary;
… On Facebook, of course.
I called the eye doctor yesterday and explained that my eyes weren’t adjusting to the glasses. She told me that there weren’t any openings until mid October- but then quickly realized how upset I was and told me she’d call me today. They called around noon and I was able to get squeezed in at 2:20 this afternoon. New lenses are on the way! She re-checked my eyes, realized they were WORSE than she originally thought and then we did more eye tests to see what I could see and she told me I’d be better off wearing glasses ALL the time because of my astigmatism. Great.
I haven’t heard back from the interview I did last week- and honestly, I’m not that upset. Sure, it would be nice to be employed by the hospital and have benefits and get paid $18/hr for part time work…. but whatever.
I applied for a bunch of daycare places in Ottawa and then someone told me that daycare’s only hire people with ECE diplomas- which is bullshit- IMO. When I signed up for my DSW course they told me ECE and DSW were similar and that I could get hired as an ECE easy. Bullshit. Just… bullshit.
I got the costume I ordered for Halloween today! I don’t know why I keep doing this every year.. order costumes, I mean. I never end p going anywhere or doing anything and it’s always disappointing. Anyway, it’s supposed to be "sexy Dorothy" from Wizard of Oz – but it’s more cute than sexy (which is fine with me).
I heard this week about two girls I went to school with and how they’re both sick. One of them, a few years younger than I am, has breast cancer and had a double mastectomy only to find that the cancer had already spread through her body. The other, a year younger, has to have a kidney transplant because of some disease she’s got. It’s crazy. Strange coincidence: The first is a triplet, the other is a twin. Weird eh?
I don’t know what else to write about… Dad’s been driving me nuts (of course).
My postcard prank is in motion and it’s only going to get better as the days go by.
So glad you were able to connect with your eye doc and have new lenses on the way. Strange about the friends and their twin/tripletness (not a word, I know).
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What’s this postcard prank? =)
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I hope the job stuff gets sorted. All these changes to what used to be simple places now require highfalutin degrees is just a little silly. I mean, it’s almost like if you’re a parent you need to go get a degree to take care of your kid! it’s absurd.
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I wish Costa Rica had effing mailing addresses so Carol could write to me!
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