holy hell!




Where to start..

♥ My girl, Vanessa, is the new Director at Davern. I’m excited about that. I applied for Assistant Director a couple of days ago.

♥Today was a shitty, shitty, SHITTY weather day. I got up early because I knew I’d have to go to the Activity Center, but I was hoping that they would cancel the buses and  wouldn’t have to go to after school. Nope! No cancellations. I got out on the road and cursed whoever made that stupid ass decision. It was freezing rain when I left, turned to snow while I was taking the guys to their work placement and then we had to dig out my car when we were done. The roads were SHIT- not a plow to be seen. I got them back to the AC, stayed 1 hour, then had to dig my car out again and drive to C.P to work by myself. Do you want to know how bad the roads were? So bad that the school boards apologized on the news for making the buses go. Stupid fuckers.

♥ I’ve been feeling weird lately. I’m wondering if it’s a panic attack or something. I can’t seem to find a way to describe the feelings…










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Yay for Vanessa! I hate driving in bad weather. =( Feeling weird, huh? I’m guessing not in a good way.