Elever votre voix optimiste, vous avez un choix.

Dear Diary;

… which loosely translates to "raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice" which happen to be lyrics from a song I’m listening to at the moment. Why I wrote them in french is completely beyond me.


I’m so addicted to youtube, I think my brain is fried from watching so many videos. I keep seeing fantastic videos and I want so badly to share them with you on here, but then I remember that some people don’t have highspeed internet and can’t watch them, and I feel bad. It’s mostly music, and I’m not sure that people appreciate my taste in music anyway, haha.

I’m half-way through night 3 of 4 overnight shifts, and JUST realized that time is passing very slowly.



instead of videos:

Kina Grannis – Great vocalist. (website)

Woman singing while in labor  – Really beautiful. (video)

Julia Nunes- Falling Slowly – Love this song- it where the title comes from. (video)

Where the Hell is Matt- 2008 – Have you seen the first one? (video)

Just because I can – 🙂 Canada Day- July 1st (video)

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June 27, 2008

is that french? i wish i knew french…

June 28, 2008

i’m in need of practicing more french… more and more… 😉 Saying in a different language sound soo… exquisite.

Oh, I hope you’ll post the videos for other folks who can access them. If I had highspeed I bet I’d be a youtube junkie, too. =)