Whittery business

Night and serendipity

It is in a certain place
in this time
this very present now
that I am
quietly but strongly here
because I know the books
the furnishings
and I have things to tell you
gentle careful things to do
you know what I mean
because I told you

I atone and make progress
strain against certain spectres
reflect on the day just past
what was worthy
what was questionable
where its errors lay
can you feel me now
the sense of the essence
souls have been joined
without ceremony
deeper and nearer I come
home to you

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“Home” has such a comforting soft sense about it.

October 11, 2003

“souls have been joined/without ceremony” – this bit reminds me of some friendships i’ve had.. beautiful words, ME. *hugs*

October 11, 2003

what do you think the postal service would do if I put “That Country South of the Border 😀 ” on it? hee hee hugs,

October 11, 2003

i might just do it.. whee (do they use zip codes in Mexico too? hmm. and what would happen if they did send it [whatever ‘it’ is] to Mexico? hmm…) hugs,

October 11, 2003

oooh i like i like i like! muy amore mi amica! (okie, bad mix of bad Spanish and bad Italian, but they’re similar anyway…) i’ll have to make sure whatever it is is shareable. *nods* hugs,

*huggles* you write so beautifully

I’ve been thinking a lot about serendipity, syncronicity, and such.

What a nice “Good night, honey, I’m home” kind of whitter that was : ) Hugs to you both

October 11, 2003

I just loved this! 🙂

October 11, 2003

hope you have a lovely weekend *smiles*

October 11, 2003

Very nice ME. And I enjoyed our note passing 🙂

October 11, 2003

With a warm smile…

what a beautiful poem! now this poem talks of the essence of what we are. *smiles* the way we think over what we have done that day. it makes me think of living in the present and how important that is. someday, i will have someone to share my life with. do you have someone to share your life with?

October 13, 2003

Ah, such comfort you offer and I am sure provide.