The proper name

I will before so very much longer become a pilgrim.
I must prepare for it though as it will be a pilgrimage of many years, most likely the rest of my life once I begin it.
Is there a name for one in the preparatory stages before such an undertaking?
The closest I can come up with is “novice” … my pilgrimage being a spiritual journey, I wonder if I might not call myself that in this stage.
Well, unless something else comes along, that will be what I am at this time. A novice preparing for a vocation as a pilgrim.
A vagabond pilgrim.

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Prayers for your journey.

April 3, 2005

We are all of us novices. 🙂

well, I don’t know, but I’ve been looking for novice pilgrim vagabond huggles in msn and mirc and everywhere! 😉 (((((((Me Explorer))))))))

April 3, 2005

Apprentice? It’s the journey that’s the thing. It never ends. Hugs,

April 3, 2005

I think novice fits quite nicely!

cya Monday in the late morning or middle of the day if you are online. Then B and I will go to Hot Spings again, and early, so we can go to the library and meetings. If I don’t cya then email and all of us have a great day 🙂 XOXOXOX Hugs and Love,

April 3, 2005

Howdy, Pilgrim.

I believe Buddhists call what you’re describing as “Taking Refuge” (are you familiar with Joni Mitchell’s Hejira CD and the song thereon entitled “Refuge in the Roads”? Hejira is a great word… “flight with honor”…), but that would make you a “refugee,” and I don’t know about you, but that just brings up the Tom Petty “don’t wanna live like a…” song in my head. Novice is good. 🙂

April 4, 2005

Novitiate ? This might be an acceptable version.

*hugs* safe journey, rewarding journey and other such wishes

April 4, 2005

A spiritual pilgrimage you say. I can’t imagine you a novice. Your writings and whitters prove that you are more insightful than most. But I know you will take this journey with an open heart and mind. Hopefully you will take us along.

There is something rather intriguing about this? A Vagabond Pilgrim sounds right and novice. Have the impression a strong movement is going on in your life. Whatever it is, you appear to be embracing it. A new direction with your name on the signpost. Go well, be well it’s all part of the journey, I’m sure. Warmest Hugs

Let the pilgrimage begin! Godspeed to you!

I hate being party to “talking” about others but I value you highly and you deserve to know what I am about 95% sure of: LongCoolWoman is an alias for Intelligentsia. Hell of a way to start a pilgrimage; with other people’s baggage. I’m sorry. *hugs*

April 4, 2005


April 4, 2005

I think the technical term is “neophyte” but I like “aspirant” quite alot for the hopeful sound. An aspirant wayfarer? I like the idea of embarking on a spiritual journey, and the preparation required to begin. But you’ve begun other lifelong changes recently, and done well, so I have high, erm, aspirations (sorry) for you.