Rambling *edited*

I am not interested in organizing things.
I hope the wind blows hard and fast through this place.
I want the rain to lash, to whip me in its fury.
I would be washed away in this storm, all of this “too too solid flesh” carried off in a soaked gust.
Everyone’s peace would be restored once the storm passed.
And I?
The wind and rain would take me to their home.
I would belong to them then.
They might make of me some new element.
An element required in another dimension or another world.
Then they would send me where they decide I belong.
So if, after the rain has stopped whipping and the wind has returned to a gentler state, you should notice that you can’t find me, don’t worry; there is no cause for alarm.
I have gone where you might not be able to find me, but finally I will be put to good use.
Alas, I fear that even the elements can do without me.


Here’s some idea of what I miss so very much:

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September 19, 2003


September 19, 2003

Are you okay? Well-written statements but sad! Love and hugs,

September 19, 2003

But we couldn’t! I hope the wind blows through you and takes away the pain leaving you feeling cleansed… *hug*

September 19, 2003

Elemental, my dear Me Explorer, elemental. *S* Wishing sunnier weather for you.

September 19, 2003

*sends u lots of hugs*

You are a major elemental need for all of us! Nice country side : ) Hope you enjoy it again soon. Hugs

September 19, 2003

Beautiful words and a beautiful picture. 🙂

September 19, 2003

I can identify with this.. Sometimes you want the world to make the decision for you.. give you a fresh start somewhere where you fit.. Sometimes you are just not sure what your role is in this lifetime.. yet you know you have one!! I am curious as to what you see in that picture? What does it represent for you? A new beginning maybe??

’twas a pleasure to have made your acquaintance, however brief. May all your dreams be realized

September 19, 2003

Are you ok, ME? I can’t decide from reading this if you are speaking metaphorically or if you are feeling very fed up….I am sending you hugs!

September 20, 2003

There is something special in the wash of green against an evening or dawning sky, Cathy, that fills a heart with longing and the thoughts turn inward and feelings arise. I would miss that beautiful place just as much!! Love and hugs,

September 20, 2003

With a warm hug…

I’m sorry I know what you feel doesn’t missing things just bite?

September 23, 2003

There are storms and there are storms.