
Like the bone bowls carved smooth
of stone
in the recesses within the tumuli
once found the bones were removed

I wonder
were they the only ones ever
or simply the last
before the faith that placed them there
left that place

Once for a time
there was a place in this world
for spirals and intricate designs
in stone and on vellum
scholars who concocted the colors
to decorate the words of bards
the word of God

Soon I will wander
ask the universe to show a way
tell me the way to the willow
I must dwell underneath
to sing a poet’s solitude
to read the record of ancient echoes
of this present despair

Someone asked me not so long ago
whether I have any common sense
(she thought I must
as in this age one needs it so)
but whatever combination of smoke
and mirrors got me this far
I never have had much of that
estimable commodity

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I don’t know about common sense, but you sure have lots of heart. Hugs,

What is common sense? You have heart and spirit! Hugs,

November 17, 2003

soooo lovely…. 🙂

November 17, 2003

Common sense can be so overrated. LOL 🙂

November 17, 2003

Maybe “uncommon sense” is the nicest thing to have…what is common to one may not be to the other. Think I could go on and on about it and not come to a decided end.. Okay, I’m sleepy, my senses are lulled….Hugs

November 17, 2003

I agree with songbird… uncommonsense should be highly prized! *g*

love you, thank you for sharing your story with me and us. *hugs*

November 18, 2003

Have I ever mentioned that your menu page is like the colorful wrapping on a special gift. I love the colors and the words…especially Eleanor Roosevelts so wise observation.. Sometimes we miss the specialness of our menu pages. I resolve to look carefully from now on!! Hugs

Linda sent me an email late yesterday afternoon. A joke email, about Viagra! It was funny. What do you make of that? 🙂

November 19, 2003

Bone upon bone we will join you frivolously under the willow. The symbols will show us the way.