
Shaky again. Issues of worthiness rear up and glare at me.
So it’s Thursday, and just one more day until I can be with K. Then there is this block of time when E will be working extra days and hours, and I am instructed to MAKE NO PLANS. There is a needy boy here, and I am not sure how to manage things. My needs; her needs; his needs; everyone’s needs.
I have loads of work to do. In the office, the needs are clear and pressing and for some hours I can do what’s in front of me.
Prayer and meditation. I can start while I wash the dishes. Then get dressed and face the day.
And breathe. And count my blessings. Perhaps it isn’t time yet to find my cave and my candle. Perhaps just cleaning out the sink will get me centered.
Or not.
Sometimes, I just don’t know.

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if cleaning the sink doesn’t, prayer andmeditation surely will. WARM THOUGHTS FOR YOU TODAY

The sink will help. Keep breathing.

July 13, 2006

Sometimes it’s one day at a time, sometimes it’s one step at a time, but always ever forwards. You’ll get there. Much love and gentle hugs, Bren.

July 13, 2006

Baking Soda to clear out the sink’s drains and Prayer to clear out the Soul and Meditation to clear out the Mind.

Prayer and meditation is a great beginning. Just breathe and keep it simple. Don’t forget to keep yourself on that list of those whose needs must be met. May work go well for you. Hugs,

July 13, 2006

Well, isn’t it priorities? Sobriety, kids, you, her, him, them. Ah, well.

Don’t think cleaning the sink would get me centered. Possible the kitchen floor would *grins*

funny. feels as if something is going around. I find washing dishes very soothing.

July 13, 2006

You wil make the right decisions for you, I am sure you will. Life is so full of uncertainties. take things one step, one moment, at a time. Sending you many hugs, and praying a little prayer for you. 🙂

July 13, 2006
July 13, 2006

*waving back at ya* and sending you many squishy hugs & warm wet kissis *winks*

July 14, 2006

I usually find my center driving down the road. Watching everything but inward as well. A busy life is great, yet always neeed to that center too. Blessed Be!!!