Dream away

My cell phone (mobile) is very nice and lets me here Sting sing that every time someone calls me on it … well, and I have it with me, and I manage to hear it go off. Ahem. Anywho … for those of you who asked … umm, here’s a little piece of my son’s wall:

“All in all we’re just another brick in …” (Pink Floyd)

This is after he somehow got his father to accompany him to a hardware store so he could acquire black, gold, and more blue. Sigh. He has painted two pairs of his sneakers too, one pair bright blue, the other gold. I think I might need to open up his room as an art gallery … or something. Sigh again.

Day 29. I hope the physical blechiness, which is really very silly, stops soon. My kids and I are taking next Monday off from school and work. We will have Doctor Day. (Their appointment isn’t until 4:30 p.m. but shhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone, k? It’s a family mental health day thing.) I am going to see if my doctor can’t see me sometime earlier in that day as seasonal allergies are kicking up, which isn’t really fair as we haven’t really started to experience spring enough. So say I. Sigh yet another time.

I hope wherever you are, whatever the world is doing around you, you are finding some measure of serenity and happiness. You deserve it; I know you do.

What next?

Tonight as rain in steady cruelty
obliterates any vision
I wonder about the next meadow
how will it greet me as woods open to it
what colors for which season
as out from growth and undergrowth I burst
will I tread my path around its perimeter
or circumference
will perhaps the path lead through it
winding idly or cutting straight
what view of skies will it offer
to my reclining
if it is a time of year
that allows lying down in it


Two things and more

Precious treasures
even if I never know much
this I do know in an absolute way
I expect that on my last exhalation
I will still be seeking to honor
the gifts divinely sent
never earned and not expected
but once known
impossible to be devoted to anything
but giving them honor and justice

Eyes made clear
heart made full
while I pray goodness sent where needed
I exult in and exalt what I know
of wholeness and grace
seas and places and mercy
easy nights and farflung hours
dizzy now and just a little lost
because light lasts but some time rushes
further ahead of mine

I am coming
just to be
by your side
close enough
to hear your voice
at its quietest
so much to say
for me to listen
who says too often
much too much

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March 29, 2005

Very preety wall, but I’m glad that’s not my room; it would keep me up at night. 🙂

Coooool 🙂 I shall return to note again, but this is an interesting entry! Yea for you and day 29 !!! Wonderful !!! You are so far along and yes, you will get to feeling better. We are soooooooooooo proud of you !!!! Wow!! Hugs and Love,

March 29, 2005

awesome wall 🙂 reminds me of my room growing up 🙂 i dont blame you for taking a family mental health day. we all need those every once in a while. *passes the decaf because its late*


March 29, 2005

Your son’s wall? Very expressive 🙂 Um, you don’t rent, do you. Isn’t it funny how cellphones have become the new necessity? I carry mine around for emergencies and so work can reach me when they need to. I still refuse to allow Leo one. Kids carrying phones just seems unhealthy to me. I’ll have an order of Family Mental Health Day, hold the Family 🙂 Hugs,

March 30, 2005

That is one cool wall.

March 30, 2005

thought maybe he got the idea from all the graffi they have in calif..lol looks like downtown los angles..kids taste sure are strange!