Beans in their ears

Remember that song? Well … you’d have to be familiar with “The Fantasticks,” a show that started the year I was born and only closed within the last couple of years or so. Anywho, it had a delightful song that asked the age old question:

Why did the kids put beans in their ears?
You cannot hear with beans in your ears.
Why did the kids put beans in their ears?

And, of course, being a very kindly sort of show, the song then provided the answer for anyone who really didn’t understand this phenomenon:

They did it ’cause you said no.

My children are getting more and more bewildering to me as they grow. This morning in our home was a very crazy thing. Ms. 14 came out looking like death warmed over, apparently suffering from a migraine, the symptoms of which I saw starting last night. Her father, a migraine sufferer himself, didn’t believe her as she has shouted “migraine” a few times too often in recent weeks. So he told her that if she didn’t go to school today, besides being consigned to her bed for the duration of the headache, she would not be allowed to go anywhere all weekend.

Now, if I was in the kind of misery she really did seem to be in, that would be a no brainer: Sure, no problem, bed, lights out, stay home all weekend. But apparently, when one is 14 the decision is not that crystal clear. There is a temper tantrum, and the temporary removal of her cell phone. (It might be worth the couple of GIGANTINORMOUS bills we had to cover … the power! Hehehehehe. Muahahahahahaha. Ahem.) Anywho, in the end she opted for the bed (I have to say, she truly did seem to be suffering today). Not after much drama and geshraying and a temper tantrum worthy of those she threw when she was 3 (doozies, I tell ya).

Meanwhile, last night my son, the sensitive ne’er-do-well that he is, was completely unable to concentrate on that thing called Homework because he was crying. His friend G … remember that boy none of us liked except N? … isn’t being his friend anymore, and even hung up on him when he called him last night!!!!! Needless to say, this child is now fully persona non grata around our family. N did say, though, that he really wanted to talk the whole thing over with his school counselor today as it has really caused him to have a huge dread of school. (They are in the same class.) So … notes, to his teacher and to the counselor.

All this going on; I did remember to take my various vitamin type stuff. I did not change my patch. That’s okay as today is the day I buy my new box-o-patches, which I did on the way to work, and thus am patched up fresh even as I type this meandering mess from a woman who might as well rename this place “Diary of a Mad White Woman.” Or something.

Here are some whittery bits. Yes, this is just how self-centered and space cadetish I am; all that trauma and drama going on around me, and I’m whittering away. Sigh. Go figure.

Have a lovely day and a lovely weekend. See you sometime soon.

No one to answer
to say yes or no
give reason or cause
just a vacuum
particles floating in a slanting beam
stillest life
distillation of memory and hope
hanginig silent in the air


My back and a cat and the air conspire
here on the cusp of spring
to disallow any foolish notion of sleep
at least that is until
my back adjusts
the air caresses soothing against my arms
in their exposed condition
and this cat grown fat on midnight rubbish raids
decrees that now indeed she feels
the hour for slumber has arrived


No need to know that wihin this
unkempt overgrown squarely chunky frame
rushes a waterfall of yearning
desire racing through me so fast
it can’t slow down for a dance or two

Awash in its spray
still I feel hunger unearthly
thirst a thousand miles from quenched
desert amid cascades of frothing mad liquid
but you must help me tame it to fulfill
my need


I owe you quality
if I have any
with quiet surrounding its moments

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April 1, 2005

Self-centered?!?! Not a bit. A wonderful way to maintain sanity? Absolutely. Not to mention, I am very happy you share your whitters. Teens, ever the challenge. The age when it becomes their job to push back so that neither they nor the parents are so sad when they sprout the nest leaving wings. 🙂 And a lovely day and weekend to you too!

April 1, 2005

Children have an annoying propensity to think for themselves. It really irks me.

April 1, 2005

I loved the cat and a back ect…

April 1, 2005

Hope you have a great weekend as well.

April 1, 2005

LOL — you make me remember those years of teenagers and angst, and be grateful again that they’re over and we all lived through them. Don’t aske me how, it was probably divine intervention.

April 1, 2005

Hey, if it weren’t for the whittering, you’d be as inshane as your household seems to be of late. 🙂

April 1, 2005

She whitters while Rome burns 🙂 LOL! Teens. Don’t even get me started! *sigh* Hugs,

LOL In such a frantic household, to write poetry while it’s all going on around you, shows grit and great concentration. With perhaps a dash of mother determination. You deserve a quiet break and an ice cream. Do have a lovely weekend 😉

April 1, 2005

i hope this weekend goes smooth *passes the coffee*

April 1, 2005

I remember Beans, beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot… but I’ve never heard that one. My kids have been drivin’ me nuts with want of a cell phone…I have yet to cave mind you and judging by what you just said about big bills…you’ve helped me decide! Hope Ms. 14 feels better…hope Mom does too! :o)

April 2, 2005

Of course I liked the one with a cat in it the best. 🙂 Ive only had 2 migraines in my life but having a temper tantrum in the midst of one would have been impossible.

April 2, 2005

I grew up with the “mama said not to put beans in my ears, beans in my ears, beans in my ears” song. Cute. My oldest is 11 and the drama and weeping is just beginning here. Sigh. I hear it ends when they’re 30. Proud of you for keeping up with the patch and all the it implies, even through the theatrics of children.


Dearest Cathy,I just checked my hotmail addy this morning and have replied to your 3/10 email (OMG!) and left the addy of the inbox that I actually check on a regular basis. SO GLAD to hear that you’re still smoke-free. FWIW, I would rank mothering teenagers as one of the more difficult things I’ve ever done… right behind quitting smoking. You’re doing great! Hang in there! Aloha,